July 2022 Writing Check-In

It's time for the monthly writing check-in! I'll tell you what I've been working on, and I'd love to hear how you're writing is going for you.

In July, I submitted a Blueprint for a Book (as written by Jennie Nash in her book of the same title) to a coach for a YA contemporary novel, and I'm waiting for feedback, which is HARD! In our fast-paced, instant-gratification society, it's hard to wait. I want to know what's working and what's not, but I know that thorough, high-quality feedback takes time. Would I secretly love the coach to tell me I did everything right and I'm a genius? Yes, I would - I think we all feel that at some level. But instead of getting a gold star to satisfy my ego, I fully expect to receive constructive feedback that will strengthen and deepen my story, which is why I wanted coaching.

I've also been participating in the #AmWriting-Author Accelerator Butt-In-Chair Challenge with a completely new novel idea (an adult contemporary romance). It's been rewarding to tackle a small piece of a new story idea every week, and it's made me not go crazy while waiting to receive feedback on my other novel. (And I'm super excited that I will be the featured guest coach on August 12!!! I will send a link when it goes live.)

I wrote a short piece on my blog highlighting what I've learned about writing by taking an adult beginner's tennis class this summer. You can read that post here.ā€‹

And it wouldn't be complete to talk about writing without talking about what I've been reading. On the fiction side of things, I enjoyed the YA enemies-to-lovers romance Today Tonight Tomorrow by Rachel Lynn Solomon. For nonfiction, I read GMC: Goal, Motivation, and Conflict by Debra Dixon and WOW. I think this book belongs on every novelist's bookshelf. Highly recommend.

How did your writing go in July? Iā€™d love to hear from you. Use my contact form or connect with me on social media (links at the bottom).

Here's to a writing-filled August!


How does book coaching work if I only have a hint of a story idea?


What Learning Tennis Has Taught Me About Writing