April 2022 Writing Check-In

Hi, writers! It's time for the monthly writing check-in!

This month has been incredibly busy for me, with Easter preparations and working twice my usual hours at my church job. I always know this will be the case, so I intentionally minimize non-church activities. I didn't always do this, but I'll chalk it hope to maturity and personal growth that I've wised up!

After taking a few weeks off, I picked up creative writing again this past week. I am working with a fellow book coach to plan my next novel, a YA sweet romance. I've never written in this genre before, so I'm excited to tackle something new.

I'm also eagerly awaiting feedback on a picture book manuscript. I paid for a critique through my local SCBWI chapter, and it's with the agent of a writer I greatly admire. Waiting for feedback is HARD. I always remember this when I am working on clients' work, because I know what it's like to be on the receiving end!

So how about you? What were you able to accomplish in April? Words on the page? Brainstorming? Character development? Outlining? It all counts. Take a moment today to celebrate what you've done! (And send me a message through my contact form if you want to share, and I will celebrate with you!)

I am offering a dozen Story Sketch sessions for FREE in the month of May. What's happens in the Story Sketch? We look at your Character, Concept, and Core (what message is embedded in the heart of the story) to make sure they align with each other. It's a quick but powerful tool to make sure these key elements will work together so you can write a cohesive novel. You can read more about Story Sketch on my book coaching page and if you're interested, use my contact form to let me know. If you have a writing friend who could benefit from this deal, feel free to share! Offer goes through May 31, 2022.

Here's to a great May!


May 2022 Writing Check-In


March 2022 Writing Check-In